The latest stop on the Dead Heart tour has landed me on a site that his hosted by a girl that is only fifteen years old. Paige at Comfort Books (link below) is already writing her own book. I only wish I could have known what I wanted to do at that age. Needless to say, I am impressed and surprised.
I always read into every host’s website before I write my guest posts, and when I read hers, I forgot that a sophomore in high school was writing them. I will say that whenever she finishes her book, I will be ready, no matter what the genre. This girl has the true potential and she knows it. If you want to be impressed, go to Comfort Books, and check out Paige’s website!
The next surprise on the book tour comes from a short review at The Wormhole (link below). Beverly said it was a true horror story. When Elizabeth Guizzetti said it, I agreed that some parts were horror, but I never really considered my book a true horror story. I was surprised so I asked a friend, and he said, yes, it was horror, but not slasher. I guess over the last few years, I have read so much horror that I forgot there was a difference.
Maybe I just need to read some Cat In the Hat to try and balance it out a little.
-R.L. King
Comfort Books
The Wormhole