Lost In Books

Everyone here has a personal love for books, or more specifically, for getting lost in books. We all have our weakness, and mine is an old first edition. I bought a box full of very old books in early February, and I have been lost in books ever since.

I have been re-reading some old classics, many of these I read as a teen, such as Old Yeller and Don Quixote, and now that I am a writer, I appreciate them even more. Not only do they take me back to my childhood, they take me back to their childhoods as well. I just read Tom Sawyer again, and I know Mark Twain based a lot of the material on his own childhood.

I had to buy another bookshelf, my home is already a small library, I have bookshelves stacked on more bookshelves. Some people collect stamps, or coins; I collect old books. I have books everywhere. I also read everywhere. I even keep extra books in my truck, and if I get stuck in a long drive-thru, I just pull one out. I try to finish every book, no matter how bad it may be.

That is how I have been for the last few weeks, lost in books. I invite you to do the same. Get a pile of books and tackle them all!

-R.L. King

Chemical Attraction's Deleted Scenes: Part 2

March 19, 2013


March 19, 2013

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