I did another featured author slot at a local author event called Curated Words. The first reading I did there a few months ago set a record of how fast a person can read 10 pages. I didn’t think I was reading that fast, but one of my friends recorded me and when I played it back, wow. I was impressed. It was like listening to an audio book at 2X (which I do, because I’m a fast reader and can’t stand listening to things slower than I’d actually read them, lol.)
So, this time around, I practiced before hand, and got some feedback from some writer buddies. Then, on the night of the reading, right before I began, I told the audience to give me a beat, lol. (No, I really did.) I said: If I go too fast, start stomping your feet. I won’t look up, because I’ll lose my place on the page, but I’ll hear you and slow down. It went well. I have a brand new recording to share. If you’re interested, follow this link to my Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/eardell/# and hey, maybe click on “like” while you’re there ;).
Take care!