First Review

Today, I got my first review. It was from Elizabeth Guizzetti, and I am eternally grateful to have a good review for my first. To be honest, I am not sure how well I could have handled a bad review. I am sure I would have gotten over it, but to get a great review right out of the gate is just what I needed to hear.

As a writer, we are never sure how good something is until long after we are finished. I knew my novel was good, but to have Elizabeth say so, that is good enough for me. Why you ask? Because Elizabeth reads more than me, is geekier than me (only by a little!), and she represents my target market.

So thank you Elizabeth! Also I have started reading her book, and right from the first paragraph, I am hooked. I will give a review when finished.

If anyone else wants to give a review of my book, I am looking for good blurbs to put on my press release.

Indie Book of the Day Award Winner!!

September 10, 2012

Acupuncturist also a Published Author

September 10, 2012

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