Closing in on Fire of the Sea’s release!

It’s been months since I’ve blogged! So long, in fact, that I had to try three different passwords to log in. Sheesh. I admit I’ve been distracted by the impending birth of our third child (and by impending, I mean she’s about 5 days away from arrival). But this week I had a surprise in my email: cover designs for Fire of the Sea! I am super excited. We are in the final stages of design, and it should be done this week. The book should be out later this month or in early March. After years of waiting for this, I feel like I have two new babies on the way! I have a cover reveal and blog tour in the works (though they may be a couple of weeks behind the actual release date depending on how well I can juggle life in general). It has been so fun to see and read all the new books coming out! My new Kindle is getting a good workout. I think some “Team 48fourteen” t-shirts might be in order. 🙂

Inquiring Minds Want To Know

February 13, 2014

Chemical Reaction's Book Tour

February 13, 2014

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