Chemical Attraction: Did You Know?

Chemical Attraction: Did you know?

Some writers say they put bits of themselves into their stories. I, too, have incorporated parts of my life in my writing. I call it—Therapy. These are a few of my bits and pieces that sparked Chemical Attraction. (You may sense a “Back in My Day” theme as you read them.)

DID YOU KNOW before I wrote Chemical Attraction, I wrote a story about Joe and Eva’s sister, Taylor, and her now husband, Stuart? At the end of writing it, I realized how much I loved Joe. He had a story to tell. He stayed in my head and bugged me until I wrote it.

DID YOU KNOW years ago, I became interested in Nanotechnology from an article by Carol Ekarius in Alternative Medicine called “Welcome to Nano World?” Carol wrote, “The things that make nano particles so useful—also make them potentially dangerous.” I was fascinated and terrified.

DID YOU KNOW every summer in high school, I detassled corn? It’s one of those horrible high school jobs in the Midwest that stays with you. Writing about a rural county, I made sure to reference the unending rows in the stifling hot fields. Back then, I had nightmares. I thought David and his friends needed them, too…misery loves company.

DID YOU KNOW one summer in college, I worked at a research facility that tested on mice and rats? I fed them, weighed them, and cleaned their cages. I know for a fact that mouse bites are worse than rat bites. Mice latch on and don’t let go. Did I mention they could bite through gloves? I still cringe at the thought of those poor little bastards.

DID YOU KNOW I worked at our local hospital in the OccHealth area? Their department organized the flu shot clinics. I was intrigued with the process that goes into making the vaccine. I know I should get a flu shot every year; I just can’t make myself do it…’cause I wrote this thriller once…

DID YOU KNOW Allenton is based on Allegan, Michigan? The pictures used in the book trailer are actual photos of Allegan’s beautiful riverfront. By the way, the amateur actors in the book trailer are prominent members in our community.

I’m not sure I’m comfortable with you knowing these details, but I welcome your comments. The sequel, Chemical Reaction, will be out soon. That “Did You Know” segment may show an even darker crazier side. What the hell? It’s all in good fun, right? Right?

Find the links to Chemical Attraction at

Check out Chemical Attraction’s book trailer at

To Trilogy, Or Not To Trilogy?

July 11, 2013


July 11, 2013

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