You may have seen this quote from Twyla Tharp: “Creativity is an act of defiance.” Sorry, Twyla, but I have to disagree. I don’t see creativity as an act of defiance at all! I think people who oppose creativity—who repress and discourage it—those are the ones being defiant. But the actual act of creating something out of the sheer desire and even need to do so? That’s harmony. We are born creative beings. The entire universe IS creativity. Even when things seemingly fall apart, there is energy there. There is change and motion, and that is also creation. To be creative is to be original, inspired, experimental, innovative, and even resourceful. This is the essence of who we are (or at least who we are meant to be). When I put a part of myself out into the world, I am sharing, evoking, revealing, declaring. Sure there is art created to be defiant, to make a point, prove a purpose, fight an injustice. But to me creativity as a whole doesn’t fall under that umbrella. I have to believe that it is something larger. We are drawing out a part of ourselves that is innate and important. Essential. We are joining a bigger movement—the inherent forces all around that propel us forward together. This is not defiance. This is truth.
Feel free to disagree with me. Respond, interact, decide for yourself. Be creative. 🙂